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Steiner Ferdinand

* 02.05.2015

Ort: 9363 Metnitz

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Kondolenzbuch Einträge:

Steiner Ferdinand


† 02.05.2015


student, and why can't I give the child more positive cmmtenos??. The principal devotes himself solely to sports and pleasing the parents. If the parents want grades online, then by god lets give them instant results. Where does this end? Is education simply a product to be purchased? This whole process is worse at the University level where your job is on the line. I am tenured now, so I get away with lots of dripping sarcasm, which the kiddies don't understand. They are all literal-minded if you know what I mean, no complex interpersonal conversations going on, just pushing and shouting. I asked some administrators where it will end. Will we just give everyone A's in a few years? I have no doubt that this is where we are headed. I walk a fine line. Make German too hard, and all students will drop/program cancelled. Make German too easy, and the bright/motivated kids (very few throwback types) will get bored and drop, or will never be able to get through German AP. The French, Latin and I have decided to stick to our guns and teach language as it should be taught, and let the numbers fall where they may. In a sick way, it is almost interesting to witness the disintegration first hand. It is hard to fight as one teacher when the whole system is against you...I just saw the British movie "Notes on a Scandal", and the teacher said the few gems over the years get you through your job as a teacher..Amen to that. I wonder how many people read this blog? My German scientist friend said that his American fortune 500 company will only hire European scientists, and they wont hire from Harvard or Yale anymore. The American scientists just aren't up to snuff. This problem is pervasive! Are we just a few voices in a wilderness? Keep up the good work, it is nice to know that other people think the same way...Your books and interviews do give some comfort to those of us who are isolated. I agree with Tim that Communism/Socialism will return if globalization continues to tear apart the middle classes both in America and in Europe. Just look at Eastern Germany...John in Chicago again.

Geschrieben am 07.07.2015 um 21:12

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Geschrieben am 10.05.2015 um 09:51

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